Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Author :- Jaymala

Over decade years ago, I worked in a private edifice in Nairobi, Kenya. People who haven't had a quantity totravel ofttimes hit a skewed vision of Africa.

I had certain expectations when I got there but I soon realized that I had been misled by things I had seen on TV most every the assorted aspects of that awful continent.

In some case, the one thing I can feature most my undergo there, it that I met the most interesting, most motivated and mature students of my whole carrier. These children, from a very young age, were simply glad for their education.

A few years ago, I met another teacher who had taught on the other lateral of Africa, in Ghana, but not in a private edifice like me, but in a lowercase community edifice lost in the bush somewhere. One might find this strange but she, also, met the most interesting, most motivated and mature children there.

These children, both the ones I met in Kenya and the ones she met in Ghana could hardly hit been some more different.

Most of my students' future was pretty such traced already, with their parents' business to verify over, no doubt of a collegeeducation and a promised life of comfort. My friend's Ghanaian students had none of that but loved edifice and would hit done anything to be there.

In a conversation with a very good Ghanaian friend of mine more recently, we both united that in both cases, and in continent in general, people see activity as a privilege, so they make the most of it.

She, too, grew up in continent and came from a better soured family than the average African, but she never took activity for granted. Over there, and in some other countries in the world, it is never a guarantee, when a female is born, that he/she will be feat to school. So when you do, you appreciate it.

It is true that the image that we tend to hit of continent is the less developed lateral of the continent. We see the way people springy in the mud huts and overcrowded vehicles and disorderly animals surrounding villages in the region of nowhere.

We see also kids living in the streets of big cities having to resort to anything they can to survive. These kids would give anything to go to school. But what are the chances?

I read an article a pair of days ago most two afghan sisters who were walking to edifice one day and got attacked by men who threw acid at them.

They were teenagers, feat to school. The men didn't want women to hit an education. These girls are more observed than ever to go to school.

Not so long ago in the United States of America, some people were not presented the aforementioned admittance to the aforementioned activity because of the colouration of their skin. Up until fairly recently, women also didn't receive the aforementioned level of activity in some countries.

There are ease some nations with totalitarian regimes who do not allow certain books, aggregation and facts to be taught because of their political, religious or social beliefs.

In this country, some parents hit to force their kids to go to school. Kids run away, play to go to edifice when they get dropped soured and disappear for the day. You hear teenagers tell you that edifice is boring. A good friend of mine ofttimes used to say: \"Only dull people get bored\"...

In this country, activity is served to you on a plate. Of course, there is always room for constructive criticism and improvement. You can always feature that it is not as good as it should/could be.

But it's there! Kids don't hit to get up in the region of the night and walk two hours there and back to go to school. Access is presented to every sorts of books, movies, scriptures and debates. Philosophers are studied, even if sometimes they question and disturb. Knowledge is passed on, on a daily basis, it is there for you to receive if you want it.

The United States remains a symbol of Freedom. Many countries in the Western World can feel themselves with Freedom. You hear people in the US claiming their right to Freedom.

\"This is a liberated country! I can do this!\" Freedom is a privilege, everybody knows that and everybody likes to remind others of it and proudly claims the fact that they belong to a land where Freedom is the basis of life.

Education is the same. It is meet as such of a permit as Freedom. In fact, it is part of it. And yet so some people, especially the ones receiving it, don't seem to see the value of it.

Nobody questions the fact that Freedom is there and is a given. It SHOULD be there. And yet, activity is the same. It is there for everybody. The fact that it is presented to you doesn't make it some less valuable. Freedom is presented to you too. It came at a price though. So did education. It wasn't always like that.

Education IS a privilege. Just as Freedom is. Education is what keeps people free. Education is what allows people to think and question and criticize and improve the world.

You might think that changes are needed in activity now, and I agree with you. There is always room for improvement, so there will always be a need to look at ways to do things better.

There are assorted ways to be knowledgeable and sometimes, what you need doesn't come from High School the way it is now. But whatever form of activity you get is useful, if you are prepared to receive it.

Don't verify it some more for granted than you would verify Freedom for granted. Make sure your kids know that and realize how glad they can be to be feat to edifice every day.

They get the quantity to develop a thinking mind. If you think edifice is not good enough, then propose your solutions, but don't undermine it. Receive it as the gift and permit it actually is.

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